Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday's workout (II)

When I got up this morning and pulled up the workout on my iPad, my stomach was snatch day--my least favorite lift, and the WOD had three 800 meter runs in it. Ugh. When I got to the box the 5:45am class (yes, those folks are awesome for getting up that early to workout), was in the middle of the WOD and they were red, sweaty and breathing hard which is never a good sign, lol. My stomach started to churn and I proceeded to get very nervous as I waited to start my workout. That's typical of CrossFit though, and I'm not the only one who feels that way. All of us who were getting ready to start the 6:45 class were already doing the mental preparation needed to get through the workout. One of the ladies in my class is about my age and we were commiserating over the workout we faced and discussing whether it's better to know in advance or not. I like to know, but I do worry more.

We started with a 400m run to warm up and then did our PVC pipe stretches. The coach then showed us a video of the snatches we'd be doing today. We were doing an EMOM which means every minute on the minute. And we were doing a complex of snatch shrugs and snatch from the hip:

So I started with a very light weight since we were working on form and as I mentioned, the snatch is my worst lift. I warmed up with the 15 pound training bar, which I usually use and then added two 5 pound plates for the start of the 13 EMOMs. The EMOMs are actually not bad--they work like this:

We all start together on the clock and have a minute to do 1 snatch shrug and 1 snatch from the hip--this usually only takes about 15 seconds or less so you have the 45 seconds to add weight or just rest and then you do it again. I added 2 1/2 pound plates to bring my total weight up to 30 pounds and stayed there for the whole EMOM. I wanted to work on form and even 35 pounds is heavy for me on the snatch. 
After the EMOM we put up our light bars and got the heavier bars set up for the WOD which was:
20 minute cap
3 rounds of: 
800m run
25 ab mat sit ups
10 deadlifts (Rx 135 for women) 
Rx just means the prescribed weight for the movement. This can be scaled to whatever weight is good for you--I have not Rx'd a workout to date).
I chose to only deadlift 75 pounds thinking all of the running would make my legs feel like jello, but in retrospect I could've gone to 85 easily and maybe higher. It took me 17:04 to do it and I ran with my friend and had to wait a little for her to finish her deadlifts so I could've done it in under 17 pretty easily. The running was poopy, but it really wasn't that bad--I've done a lot worse. You'd think I wouldn't stress so much about these workouts, but I always do--I guess that's just the nature of CrossFit.

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