Thursday, June 9, 2016

When in doubt...

Do you ever get the night doubts? Or the really early morning doubts. Some mornings I'll wake up before my alarm goes off, and my mind will work hard to talk me out of doing whatever I have planned that day. I'll tell myself I'm too old, or too tired, or not capable or whatever I can to excuse myself from my plans or obligations. I had those this morning. I really, really didn't want to get up and go to CrossFit. I also wanted to quit. Why am I doing this? It's too hard. I don't even like it. It takes too much time. I'm tired of being sweaty. I'm tired of being tired. I'm too sore. The WOD is going to kill me. I hate getting up so early in the morning. I'm not losing weight. I'm getting too muscular....I'm not doing this anymore.


That's what went through my mind this morning. Lots of doubt, lots of excuses; but somehow, I got up and made it to the box and had a really good workout. We did some cool bench presses with varying grips that I had never done, and the WOD was descending squat cleans and an ascending run. I lifted well and ran strong--I was tired and sweaty, but I felt really good the whole rest of the day.
I dont know why doubts always seem to creep in when we're doing something challenging and out of our comfort zones, but I'm here to tell you not to give into those doubts and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You can do this! And you'll be very glad you did--maybe not while you're doing it (lol) but definitely after. 

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