Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Positive Changes from CrossFit

I have seen so many positive changes in myself this year from CrossFit.

As I've mentioned previously, I was 'skinny fat' before starting CrossFit. I was also very out of shape. I would get winded when walking the dog up the hill in our neighborhood. I was pretty weak too. I've told the story of my first day of foundations when I couldn't even push press...

...35 pounds above my head more than a few times. The weight felt so heavy--I really thought there was no way I would ever be able to lift that kind of weight, lol.

The first actual CrossFit class I went to involved goblet squats:

and ab mat:

sit ups. If I recall correctly, we were supposed to alternate between 25 goblet squats and 50 sit ups for 2-3 rounds. Sounds pretty easy, right? Except I couldn't even make it through the sit ups. By the second round I was really struggling and probably only ended up doing about 25 in the second and third round. That was really a wake up call--I was weak and I was terribly out of shape cardiovascularly.

My last box did get me in shape cardio wise, but it also beat me up so much that it was difficult to make it even 3 times a week. It would just wear me out and I was very afraid of getting injured. At my new box I typically go 4 times a week. We lift a lot, but also do a lot of mobilization and cardio too.

At 53 years old, I am in the best shape of my life cardio-wise. The last time I ran I timed myself at an 8:17 mile--without really trying--I was running with my husband and he couldn't believe it, lol. I believe that it's partly due to my improved cardio function, but also due to my newfound strength. My legs just didn't get tired like they used to.

And I am stronger--a lot stronger. I can push press 45 pounds multiple times fairly easily. I haven't tried 50 pounds, but will soon. The last time I tried the clean and jerk I was able to jerk 65 pounds--I'm pretty sure I could do more now. My max clean is 85 pounds, my deadlift is 125, my bench press is around 70 I think. We rarely do one rep maxes so I'm not sure about my numbers, (and it's hard to keep track, lol), but I am definitely stronger than I've ever been.

The changes in the way my body looks have been dramatic too. It does not look like the body of a 53 year old. I used to lament over my jiggly inner thighs, but they are gone! I have lean muscles in my arms and my core is getting there--although it could definitely be more toned! My tush has probably changed the most. Before CrossFit I would look at it and think, "I'm really looking like an old lady", but now it is muscular and pretty firm. (Thank you, squats, thrusters and lunges) I know big booties are all the rage these days (not sure why!), and mine is definitely bigger which makes many of my pants a lot tighter. I'm not sure if I like that particular change, but I don't mind since I know I am strong and healthy. My thighs are also bigger, but as I mentioned, they are very firm. My waist is trim--I was worried about getting that female lifter wide torso look when I first started CrossFt--not knocking it, it just wasn't what I was striving for--but you have to work really hard for that look and probably take a lot of protein supplements. Most women just don't get big like that. My stomach is really the only jiggly part left on my body, and that is my fault because I don't eat the way I should all of the time.

The changes have been amazing though, and I've watched other women and men my age go through these same changes as they progress in CrossFit so it's not just me. I'm not going to lie though--this is not an easy way to get in shape, but for me, it's been the most effective way.

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