Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How It All Started

At my age, I've seen a lot of excercise fads come and go. I remember working out with my sister when she got Jane Fonda's workout cassette  (lol) for Christmas in 1982, and we stretched and sweated to Jane for months. I tried step aerobics, roller blading, yoga, Pilates, globo gyms, running, even my kids' Wii Fit, but I didn't stick with any one for long--too expensive, few results or just so dang boring! Just wasn't feeling them. Then one day last year a couple of my neighbors were looking for a way to lose weight and asked me if I wanted to try CrossFit with them. I'd heard a little about CrossFit, and frankly, wasn't too sure I wanted any part of it. But my kids were almost all out of the house, I had way too much time on my hands, and the pounds were steadily creeping on, so I said sure, why not.  And that's how I found myself--me--a 51 year old woman in a dusty dingy warehouse-turned-gym with a slew of very fit '30 somethings', sweating, grunting and throwing heavy weights around.

A lot of people told me I was crazy, that I'd get hurt, that CrossFit was only for serious athletes, and that most of the coaches had no idea what they were doing; I'm not going to lie--there is some truth to each of those statements, and so to reassure family, friends and mostly myself, I began to google around looking for any information on the CrossFit experience for people in their 50's and older, but I didn't find much. It was hard to find anything. How often does that happen in this day and age? So after a year of doing CrossFit I decided to create this blog to document my experience for other 50 somethings (or older!) who might be wondering if CrossFit is right for them.


  1. You are an inspiration to us 50+ who want to get back in shape, but find all the reasons why we can't. Keep posting and provide us the strength to get off our butts (big butts I might add)! Thanks.

  2. Thanks Tim! I appreciate that! I hope you try it out soon--you won't be sorry!
