Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Basic CrossFit Jargon

Let's go over some of the jargon unique to the sport so you'll know what I'm talking about.

Box--what CrossFitters call their gyms (don't ask me why, lol--I still feel a little affected when I say it!)
WOD--Workout of the day
MetCon -- Metabolic Conditioning--it's the cardio portion of the workout, but it often includes lifting.
PR--Personal Record--your highest weight or time for a specific movement or workout.
Burpees-- An exquisite form of torture. Lol, not really. See image below to get an idea of this full body workout using only your body weight. Often used as punishment for being late or having a birthday.

Double Unders--jumping rope like a boxer--spinning the rope twice for every jump. 
Oly lifts--these are Olympic lifts that are performed in CrossFit. The Clean, Snatch, and Deadlift.
(I'll explain them later).
Box Jumps--jump onto or over a wooden box. Usually 20" for women, 24" for men.
Toes to Bar--a movement in which you are hanging from a pull-up bar and you swing your feet up to touch the bar. Much core involved--Looks easy, but it's so not!
Kipping--a movement in which you use your shoulders to create momentum to make pull-ups a little easier and more efficient. Can also refer to the kick when doing kipping handstand push-ups.
Kettle Bell--a round weight with a handle that can be lifted in a lot of different ways.
Training Bar--a 15 pound bar for free weights that's supposed to be used for training, but is used a lot as a ladies bar those of us who are weaker.
Ladies' Bar--a 35 pound bar for free weights that is made specifically for women. The bar has a slightly smaller circumference than the men's bar.
Men's Bar--a 45 pound bar for free weights made for men.
Wrist wraps -- gear that you can wrap around your wrists to support them when lifting heavy and usually overhead.

So that should help explain some of the things I'll be referring to. I know it sounds like a foreign language now, but if you do decide to CrossFit, these will become part of your lexicon before you know it!

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