Monday, June 27, 2016

Back From Vacation and I'm Dreading CrossFit

The family and I just got back from a 10 day vacation in Costa Rica. It was amazing and we had a blast, however I didn't get a chance to workout at all.  It was too hot, too hilly and we were pretty much on the move the whole time. So I haven't worked out in almost two weeks and I am going to pay the piper tomorrow at CrossFit. I find that getting out of shape is one of the real bummers about taking a break--you work hard and get to a point where the WODs are manageable and you're getting stronger, and then a simple 10 day vacation can really set you back. I am going to be on the struggle bus for a week or two, lol.

It is one of the things I struggle with in CrossFit--I feel some anxiety when I miss a couple of days, and I really don't think that's healthy. To me that is one of the negatives of CrossFit--it's hard and it's even harder when you're out of shape, and so I find myself really worrying when I miss too many days in a row. Is this true of other forms of exercise too?--I don't know since I've never played sport or done any sort of demanding exercise before this. So my goal is to allow myself to miss a couple of days without worrying. If it's harder when I return, well, then it's harder when I return!
I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.....

I got up early this morning (even though I'm still on Costa Rica time) and made it to the 6:45am class, and it really wasn't bad (all of that worrying for nothing, lol).
We didn't do too much cardio which was awesome, but did a lot of weight lifting, and while my body didn't seem too out of shape, my brain definitely was--maybe that's something we older folks need to be aware of.  The WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP that consisted of 8 power cleans:

4 burpees:

And 2 muscle ups, but for those of us who can't do muscle ups, we did 12 ring rows and 12 dips

I was warming up my power cleans at 55 lbs and when I tried to lift the first one, I couldn't do it. My coach noticed and walked over to watch me. I was freaking out a little bit because it was feeling really heavy, and power cleans are kind of my thing (my one rep max for a clean is 80 lbs) and I was thinking I'd lost a lot of strength. I tried again and lifted the second attempt but was really unsteady. My coach told me not to go crazy and to take the weight down to 55 or 65 and I was thinking "that's what I'm at!" but then I realized I had 75 lbs on my bar, lol. Sheesh. Old age. I didn't realize it until my coach walked away. So, note to self: maybe I should've been more worried about the lack of brain exercise instead of the lack of physical exercise!
I'm sure I'll struggle physically too this week, but it feels good to be back in the saddle again.

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