Sunday, July 10, 2016

More CrossFit Gear

Does CrossFit require a lot of gear? Not really, but there are a few things that I think are worth spending your money on to make some of the movements a little easier.  As I mentioned previously, I don't have the CrossFit shoes. I've been thinking more about purchasing a pair, but I'm not there yet.

One of the things I use the most are wrist wraps:

These are similar to the ones I have. They are really simple--Just a nylon fabric strip that you wrap around your wrists and secure with the strap. You can tighten or loosen them by twisting the wrap to the left or right. They're comfortable and they fit any size wrist. I use them to give my wrists more support when we do any overhead lifts--mainly the overhead squat, the snatch, the jerk, and the press.
Here are some from Amazon that have great reviews:

If you have done any work on the pull-up bar you know how it can totally tear up your hands. My husband got me some leather lifting gloves thinking they would protect my hands and they did, to a point, but the leather tended to get bunched up in my palm which would create more friction leading to blisters. I have been on the search for some decent hand protection since then. I ordered these leather grips thinking the leather would be more likely to soften and mold to my hand, but when I got them I didn't like the way they fit--mostly because the finger holes were very large and exposed the area that I was trying to protect. So I did a lot more research and read a lot of reviews and settled on these:


I like these because the finger holes are tiny and you actually have to cut them a little more yourself to make them fit. You can also chalk them to make them less slippery. They have a wrist guard, but I wouldn't use them just for that. The downside is that they are expensive and you can't really try them on until you cut them, but once you cut them you can't return them. They have a very clear size chart though and mine fit well and do a good job of protecting the pads of my palms. I have only had them for about a month so I will post a more conclusive update when I've gotten more use out of them.

The other piece of gear that I highly recommend is a jump rope. I'm still trying to master double unders, and I've found it's important to have your own rope. The length of the rope matters when attempting double unders so if you have your own rope it will be cut to the perfect size for you. The weight of the rope matters too--some ropes are so lightweight that it's hard to rotate them twice in the split second needed to complete a double-under. I also like a rope with ball bearings in the handle to make them rotate quickly and smoothly. I use two ropes, but I like this one best:

You have to cut it to size, and I actually cut my first one way too short, lol, and had to give it away, so make sure you read the instructions on how to size it very carefully! It is very smooth, and I got my first double-under using this rope. It also comes with an e-guide that has workouts you can do with the rope.

This is pretty much all of the gear that I use for CrossFit. There are a few other things I have my eye on and if I decide to purchase them I'll definitely post reviews.

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