Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Best Inner Thigh Exercise in CrossFit

We did a lift the other day that I want to share--It's called the Sumo Deadlift:

woman doing sumo deadlift

It's similar to a regular deadlift, but you spread your legs a lot wider and you can generally lift more weight since you don't have to lift the barbell as far. It was fun to do since I hadn't done it before. At my old gym we would do the Sumo Deadlift High Pull which is a completely different lift that consists of deadlifting the bar and then pulling it all the way to your chest. It involved some glutes, but was also dependent on the pull.

The Sumo Deadlift is, in my humble opinion, the best inner thigh exercise I have ever done. Because the legs are spread widely you are forced to use your inner thighs, and when lifting considerable weight--I was able to do 105 lbs--it really does a number on your adductors-
drawing of cross-section of adductor muscles
I would imagine that most women in their 50's and beyond would agree that the inner thigh is a hard section of the body to exercise. Before I started CrossFit it was a part of my body that I was very dissatisfied with and a spot that seemed to put on weight easily. I'm sure you've seen the machines at the globo gyms that are supposed to target the adductors, but they never were very effective. I'm here to tell you that the Sumo Deadlift works those inner thighs. I was sore for at least 4 days after doing the lift and the soreness was mostly in my inner thighs and my glutes which is always a plus. I'm thinking of asking my coach if we can do the Sumo Deadlift at least once a week--it's just that good.

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